• Complete tomato pulp production lines

Tomato pulp is obtained directly from freshly chopped tomatoes, after separating the skins and removing some of the water from them.
Fruits intended for processing into pulp must be of similar quality to those intended for peeled fruit, i.e. with reduced seed content and increased firmness.
In this case, round tomatoes are preferred, as they lend themselves to different types of processing, cutting or pressing, depending on whether you want to market a product as chopped, pulp, diced or sliced.

Less liquid and more full-bodied than purée, tomato pulp is used in many recipes, from reduced sauces to stuffed focaccia, from "calzoni" to vegetable gratins and soups.

The residual sugar content of the fruit is also evaluated. The fruit is then washed with jets of water and in tanks to remove any foreign matter resulting from harvesting, green parts and unsuitable fruit.

| How is tomato pulp produced?

The first stage in tomato pulp production is identical to that of other canned products. This runs from receiving the raw material to evaluating its quality, according to rules established between farmers and processors, such as the permitted percentage of extraneous matter (e.g. unripe fruit, earth, etc.) and fruit with partial defects.

An equally important operation is sorting, either by hand or using optical sorters, to eliminate spoilt tomatoes which may compromise the quality of the preserves.
These preliminary steps are followed by the specific tomato pulp processing.

From fruit to tomato pulp

Fruit suitable for processing undergoes peeling with thermo-physical vacuum peelers, and is then transferred to the peel separators, before being finally sorted to detect and remove any non-conforming tomatoes or even residual skins remaining attached to the product.
The processed raw material is then conveyed to the pulpers on conveyor belts.

| Ing. A. Rossi technologies for tomato pulp production

Ing. A. Rossi technologies transform the tomato into pulp by means of extrusion, and are designed to achieve the best consistency and uniform texture of the product. The heat treatments are also optimised to preserve the organoleptic qualities of the pulp. The raw material comes directly from sorting, and can be sent either to the peeler or directly for blanching. It is then cut into uniform slices, first lightly pressed and then extruded, which separates out the seeds and skins. The resulting pulp is then sent for draining, using a rotating drum to filter out the serous fluid created when the fruit is cut.
The resulting pulp is now packaged and filled with preserving liquid, not just in glass jars or cans, but also in bags for reprocessing or in multilayer brik cartons for direct consumption.

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